Industry News

How To Convert Gasoline Generator To Propane Generator

Date: 2017-03-25   Page view: 14539

I think it is a wise Idea to consider some reasons why you should convert your gasoline generator to a generator using natural or cooking gas to power itself. The following are some of the reasons I can think of at the moment:

Advantages Of using Gas Over Petrol

  1. It is safer and environmental friendly

  2. It is cheaper and cost effective

  3. Gas is always available compare to petrol availability

  4. It helps your engine to last longer

  5. It helps to reduce the emission of carbon-monoxide to the air by up to 90%.

It is true that you can stop suffering because of fuel scarcity; if only you will Power your Gasoline (Petrol) Power Generator with Propane (Natural or Cooking Gas).

The truth is that hospitals and other large companies “never” install a gasoline back-up generator. They always use natural gas or diesel. Gasoline/Petrol has a very limited shelf life (It expires) and will actually cause engine failure. If you have Propane/Gas available you know you can store propane for years because it does not gum up, go bad, or pollute the air like gasoline/petrol does.

Unfortunately, as some have learned the hard way, if not used often enough, gasoline/petrol will gum up the carburetor and will render an engine on the emergency generator useless. That s the major reason why you have to service your generator for not using it for a very long time. Do not get caught with a gummed up carburetor that will not allow your engine to run, on your gasoline generator that you cannot even get fuel for, when you need it the most.

Some Generators And Engines Can Be changed Over To Alternate Fuel In Three Different Ways.

  1. Dedicated means the carburetor is converted to only run on alternative fuel.  These are available as Type A for 12hp or less engines and as Type 1 and Type 3 Kits for larger engines.

  2. Bi-Fuel is for Gasoline and Propane and are available as Type 2 Kits.

  3. Tri-Fuel is for Gasoline, Propane, and Natural Gas operation.  These are available as Type C or Type 4 Kits.

What Is The Difference Between The A & C Kits And The Type 1 thru 4 Kits?

The Type 1 thru 4 Kits utilize a heavy duty industrial type engine regulator with an internal idle circuit (this idle circuit which has an adjustable idle fuel screw is needed mostly for engines that have true throttle control like a pedal operated throttle or a lawn mower) and an additional vacuum safety shut-off device built right inside. Vacuum from the engine opens this lock-off to start the fuel to run and stop the fuel when the engine stops.

The A & C Kits come with a “zero governor” that acts as its own shut-off device. Think of the engine regulator as a glass of milk and the rubber hose from the regulator as a drinking straw. If you put a straw into a glass of milk, no milk will come out of the straw until you draw the milk up the straw. That is how the zero governor functions. When the engine is running and as air is passing through the carburetor or adapter, the fuel is drawn out of the regulator through the rubber hose. When the engine stops the gas stops.

As you can see the A & C kits do not need additional vacuum lines and fittings so they are simpler to install than the Type 1 thru 4 kits. The same carburetor and adapter components are used in both the Type 1 thru 4 and A & C kits. The only difference is just the engine regulator that changes and the associated parts.

The most common method of conversion is the type that changes over the carburetor. This method is less expensive because the original gasoline carburetor is modified to meter the alternate fuel.

To make the modification, simply remove the carburetor from the engine. Unscrew the float bowl and discard it along with the float, needle and high speed jet that runs up through the center of the carburetor.  The passage that the high speed jet ran up through is then enlarged to accept the new propane or natural gas jet. One other passage is drilled larger and all other PASSAGES are sealed with the sealant provided. That is basically it. An example of the new tube can be seen in the picture above.

This type of conversion will produce FULL power because the carburetor is now delivering fuel at the exact location that was engineered for the delivery of gasoline to the engine air stream. Even though most people never go back to gasoline, if gasoline operation is ever wanted in the future, a new carburetor would be purchased.

So, How Do You Convert A Gasoline/Petrol Generator To A Propane/Gas Generator?

The technology is very simple and easy. Irrespective of the maker or the design of the device there is just one thing that is important to them all – IT IS ALWAYS BETWEEN THE AIR FILTER AND THE CARBURETOR!

Step 1: Get the right device. This is very important; because it determines the success of the whole system. If you get this wrong; you have missed it all. Make sure you get your generator model number and capacity before making any purchase. The best of all this equipment is the Type C Kit because it is of U.S standard. I hope you know what that means?

Step  2: Remove the air Filter of the Gasoline Generator. All generators have this; it is also easy to locate.

Step 3: Unscrew the bolts that tightens the filter holder.

Step 4: Remove the back half of the Air Filter

Step 5: Mount the device and screw depending on the type of device you got. To some device; this might be all you have to do but for others you might be required to do more.

Step 6: Return the air filter to their place and screw up.

hat is all that need to be done. However, I will advise you test for leaking gas if any. This you will do by applying soapy solution on every joins of your design.